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Year 3 Mrs Brindley-Jones

Welcome to 3LB!

We are so excited to welcome you to 3LB and are looking forward to learning together and discovering lots of new things this year.

My name is Mrs Brindley-Jones and I am the teacher of 3LB! I absolutely love teaching year 3 and my favourite subjects are art, history and English. In my free time, I LOVE reading and cannot wait to share my love of books with you all. We are definitely all going to become book worms this year and fingers and toes crossed, we will be the reading champions!

This is our fabulous classroom:

Here is our AMAZING reading area, where you will all have the opportunity to delve inside a good book in our magical enchanted forest!

If you feel sad or worried or would like time to reflect or talk, sitting in our reading area or reflection area is a way of letting us know. Our worry monster lives here too, and is on hand to gobble up your worries if you need him to! In 3LB, we know that everyone can sometimes feel wobbly but there will always be someone to talk to and help you feel better in our classroom.