At Wrockwardine Wood CE Junior School, we recognise the importance of science in everyday life. We aim to ignite the ability in all to ‘Love, Laugh and Learn’. This is achieved through recognising the extraordinary and wondrous in everything that we plan across the rich science curriculum. With this in mind, we give the teaching of science the prominence it requires. Pupils participate in science lessons once a week. Our science curriculum aims to develop our children’s natural curiosity to enhance their understanding of the world around them through the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. All pupils will be taught the essential knowledge, methods, process and uses of science though our board, balanced and innovative curriculum.
We follow the Engaging Science scheme of work. We have chosen this because of its hands on approach which we believe suits the learning styles of our pupils best. Children gain the knowledge and understanding set out in the national curriculum in each topic area by participating in a variety of practical activities and enquires. Staff use a range of assessment techniques throughout each unit to ensure pupils are making the expected progress and misconceptions can quickly addressed.
Science intent, implementation and impact
Scientific Enquiry Skills Progression