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Summer Term 1

A siren sounds, a building crumbles, a Spitfire zooms overhead. Take cover! It’s 1939 and Britain is at war. Deep down in the Anderson shelter, learn why nations are fighting and why child evacuees must make the long journey from their homes and families into unknown territory. Make do and mend. Cook up a family meal from meagre rations. Delve deep into a bygone era, when loose lips sunk ships. And, as peace is declared, let’s get ready to celebrate. Mr Churchill says ‘It’s an unconditional surrender.’ This is just a snapshot of what we will be learning about this term, during our fascinating history topic: A Child’s War. Our English units this term will also allow us to immerse ourselves into life in wartime Britain, using the incredible text: Goodnight Mr Tom, by Michelle Magorian.

In maths, we will be securing our understanding of time, as well as multiplication and division.

Our outdoor PE continues to be on a Monday, where we will be developing our multiskills. Our indoor PE session on Thursday will focus on rounders - a firm favourite!

Reading at home every night and practising your spellings and timetables on TT Rockstars continue to remain a priority so please make sure you are spending time each evening focusing on these key areas - a little extra practise goes a very long way and your efforts will be rewarded!

Mrs Brindley-Jones and Mrs Daily