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Autumn Term 1


This half term we are going to become ‘curiouser and curiouser’ as we read our class book, Alice In Wonderland. 

We will be improving our comprehension skills every day, which is something you can also practise at home too, by talking your parents and carers about what you are reading.  We love reading here in 4W and there are lots of magazines, newspapers, non- fiction and fiction books for you to try. 



This half term we will be building on the physical writing skills developed in year 3, with a dedicated cursive handwriting session every week.  We will be increasing our writing stamina in all topics, and also focusing on writing a range of genres in English, including soliloquies, instructions, and poetry.



We will be continuing to improve our maths skills and knowledge this half term, concentrating specifically on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will start to practise daily times tables to increase fluency and will also be focussing on reasoning and problem solving.



What’s the matter?! 

In science this half term we are investigating states of matter, looking at solids, liquids and gases.  We are also going to be thinking about how to work scientifically and conduct investigations.



This term we will be asking what Christians can learn from the creation story and finding out more about the Trinity.


The history topic this half term is 1066.  We will be finding out why the death of a King led to so much uncertainty and how the Normans changed the course of history in Britain.

October is Black History Month, giving us the chance to share, celebrate and recognise the impact of all cultures and different heritages.



Topics this half term include cyberbullying, personal information and searching, and also looking at systems and networks.



In PE this half term we will be having lots of fun playing football and exercising for our health.  PE kit will need to be worn on Mondays and Thursdays.


Forest School

We are so excited as 4W is one of the first classes to take part in forest school this year.  We are so lucky to have a dedicated forest school area with sessions run by Mr Pearson every Wednesday afternoon. Please come to school prepared to get dirty! You will need to bring a pair of old trainers or wellies and a waterproof coat.