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Summer Term 1


We will be looking at diary entries and learning how to write dilemma stories.

Our class book this half term is The Secret Garden. 


This half term we will be revisiting addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and developing the children's knowledge and skills in the areas of decimals and money.


We will be taking a journey through the digestive system!


Our topic this term is Sow, Grow and Farm.  We will learn about the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas.

We will end this topic with a trip to a local farm!


A journey of life and death.

This is our big topic for RE, and we will be looking at what Hindus, Muslims and Christians believe.


This half term we will be going swimming every Wednesday.  Our outdoor PE will on Tuesdays and we are learning to play cricket!


Quelle heure est-il? This half term we will be finding out how to tell the time, and looking at school vocabulary.


This half term we will be focusing on relationships.

British Value focus:

Mutual respect and tolerance. 

Christian Value focus: 
