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Spring Term 1


This half term we will be reading 'The Indian in the Cupboard' by Lynne Reid Banks. The book links to our geography unit of work 'Road Trip USA', and we will be learning about Native Americans and the Iroquois tribe.


As well as a dedicated cursive handwriting session every week, we will have a great time this half term writing non chronological reports as well as myths and legends. 


We will be recapping addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and delving deeper into fractions and decimals.


Working scientifically will be our focus this half term.  We will be asking questions, making predictions, recording data and interpreting our results.


This half term we will be asking 'What kind of world would Jesus want?' and continuing to build strong links with the local church.


Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the USA. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’

Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off!



This half term we will be learning to use ICT to edit photos!


This half term's Christian value is: Perseverance 

Our British Value focus is:Mutual Respect and Tolerance

PSHE: The next Jigsaw unit will focus on Hopes and Dreams.


Outdoor PE will be tennis this half term and indoor PE will be gymnastics, which will help us with our balance and flexibility!  PE kit will need to be worn on Mondays and Thursdays.