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Over the second half of the Autumn Term, we will be focusing on :

DT: This half term, we will be DT textile designers! Over the course of this unit, we will research, create and evaluate Christmas stockings. We will be learning a range of sewing techniques, using pattern templates and creating an appealing product for a target consumer.













English: We will exploring/writing free verse poetry, instructional texts and adventure stories.

Reading: Our class text this half term is: A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens. A vivid and imaginative Christmas ghost story in which Dickens reminds us of the need for compassion whilst celebrating all that is best in humankind. Scrooge's supernatural journey of redemption can be read aloud or recommended to an independent reader.

Maths: This half term, we will be recapping addition and subtraction as well as extending the children's knowledge of multiplication and division. We will also be introducing length and perimeter.

Science: Electricity will be the next topic in year 4. It is a very exciting topic where the children will be able to explore making circuits using the school's electricity kits.

RE: This half term, the children will learn about the religion, Sikhism. Our unit of work will build up to help the children answer the key question:

What does it mean to be a Sikh in Britain today?

This half term's Christian value is: Trust

PSHE: The next Jigsaw unit will focus on celebrating differences.

PE: Our PE days will continue to be on the same days as last half term. Indoor PE - Monday and outdoor PE - Thursday. Indoor PE will be dance and outdoor PE will be hockey.