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Summer term 2

Our Christian value for this half term is Truthfulness, which we will be learning about in our class worship sessions alongside the RE topic ‘How do the Five Pillars help Muslims express their faith?’

Our foundation subject focus this half term, will be a music unit on music appreciation. In these lessons, we will be looking at the work of the Beatles and the Spice Girls as well as exploring making our own compositions and learning different musical terms. On the first day back, the children will be immersed into their unit of work with a music heroes’ concert to be held in the hall. 

Continuing our music focus this term, in our Love to Read lessons we will look at a different song each week, studying the lyrics and song meaning in depth.  The children’s English lessons will be focussed on biographies, free verse poetry and narrative writing.

In our maths work this half term, we will be focussing on the four operations in our arithmetic lessons, geometry, properties of shape, statistics, problem solving and time, really enhancing the children’s skills across all areas of maths in preparation for the next year group. 

 In PE we have a focus on Athletics and Multi Skills. Our PE sessions will be on Mondays and Fridays so children will be required to wear PE kit on these days. For the first week back only, we will still be swimming so we will require everyone to bring their swimming kit on the first Wednesday.

Our French studies will be Time for year 3 and Holidays and Hobbies for year 4.

Thank you for your continued support and we really appreciate you hearing your children read at home.

Cara Leck